JavaScript Developer

IPTP Networks is looking for a full-time JavaScript developer in Lima, Peru or Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

The Duties:

• Developing website, web services and applications
• Reviewing current code and presenting ideas for system improvements
• Producing detailed specifications and implementing the program codes
• Testing the product in controlled situations and rectifying any problems before going live
• Assisting in the preparation of training manuals for users


• High skill in JavaScript developing. At least 2 years of experience
• Deep knowledge of CSS, HTML5 and Angular, Bootstrap frameworks, PWA, Docker, NPM (yarn), Webpack, WebRTC, IndexedDB
• Git or GitLab Pages experience
• Advanced Linux knowledge
• Working knowledge of design patterns
• A proactive, sharp and efficient team player.
• Ability to work autonomously
• Problem solving and critical thinking skills
• Solid time management skills
• Fluent in written and spoken English


You can send your resume to the e-mail address: (for Peru) or (for Vietnam). All candidates will be considered and the appropriate feedback will be provided. Successful applicants will be contacted shortly thereafter to arrange an interview.